Chapter 42 is the third episode of Season 4 of House of Cards. It aired on March 4th, 2016, along with the rest of season 4.
Claire helps Frank with the South Carolina primaries, but he doesn't trust her. A scandal hits Franks campaign here.
Doris and Celia introduce Frank at predominantly African-American church in his hometown of Gaffney, South Carolina. There he talks about what it's like to struggle with poverty, and how the recent increase in gasoline prices (due to Russia's slowdown in production), puts pressure on poor communities like theirs. Claire arrives to help Frank with the South Carolina primary, but he doesn't trust her. In the meantime, he hosts Doris and Celia at his house, cementing their support.
LeAnn accesses the Underwood's safe deposit box, and uses its contents to orchestrate a scandal by having a picture of Frank's father with a KKKmember hung across a prominent billboard. Frank's cabinet begins to investigate how the photo got leaked, and attempt to perform damage control from the scandal. Frank addresses the same church again, giving the congregation context for the photo. Seth, however, sends LeAnn a photo of Frank with a Confederate reenactor which then goes public as well, and Frank loses the South Carolina primary.
Frank finds Claire's earrings in the safe deposit box, revealing the scandals to be a part of her plan to wake Frank up to the shortcomings of his campaign, and how much he needs her on his side. She demands he make her his running mate in his campaign, but Frank derides her proposal.